piercings pricelist
Lobe €40,- (jewelry from €30,-)
(1st, 2nd OR 3rd lobe piercing)
Helix €40,- (jewelry from €30,-)
Tragus €40,- (jewelry from €30,-)
Conch €40,- (jewelry from €30,-)
Forward helix €40,- (jewelry from €30,-)
Daith / Rook €40,- (jewelry from €25,-)
Industrial €45,- (jewelry from €45,-)
Snug / Anti Tragus €40.- (jewelry from €45,-)
Eyebrow €40,- (jewelry from €45,-)
Bridge €40 (jewelry from €45,-)
Lip €40,- (jewelry from €30,-)
Vertical labret €40,- (jewelry from €45,-)
Tongue €40,- (jewelry from €45,-)
Tongue web €40,- (jewelry from €45,-)
Smiley €40,- (jewelry from €25,-)
Nostril €40,- (jewelry from €30,-)
Septum €40,- (jewelry from €25,-)
Cheek €40 (jewelry from €45)
Surface €80,- (incl bar, tops from €15,-)
Dermal anchor €80,- (incl anchor, top from €15,-)
Nipple €40,- (jewelry from €45,-)
Navel €40,- (jewelry from €45,-)
Intimate (all genders) €50 (jewelry from €25)
2 or more piercings on the same person = €10,- discount!
Change/place jewelry €10 (free with purchase of jewelry)
Check-up €10,- (piercing done by us, 1st 3 free)
Consultation anatomy/project €15 (per 15 minutes)
Removal Microdermal €25,-
"Piercing" old holes € 15,- + costs of jewelry
You can download our .pdf pricelist HERE.